Bleak House


Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont

Autor: Charles Dickens

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Rok vydání: 2022

Počet stran: 649

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI

Cena s DPH: 528 

Cena bez DPH: 528 

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"Bleak House" is a long and complex novel by Dickens, exploring the machinations of the English legal system. At the centre of its narrative stands the "Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce" lawsuit, and all the characters are drawn to it like moths to a flame. An obvious and satirical attack on the judicial system, the novel is also a tragic human story about family issues, romance, betrayals, and secrets. It is a novel drowned in fog and hopelessness, where people's sin-ridden souls wade in mud-covered streets. A five-star recommendation for fans of Dickens.

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