
Nakladatelství: Michaela Brnková

Autor: Michaela Brnková

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Počet stran: 258

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI | PDF2

Cena s DPH: 219 

Cena bez DPH: 219 

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I hate having to submit, but in our family, status has been prioritised over personal preferences and individual feelings for decades. "Go to America and marry the daughter of our best friend." An arranged marriage in the 21st century? We are a brutally backward mafia. Our best friend, in fatherly translation, is a significant business partner. And me? I am the son of an Italian mafia boss. I have no right to live as I please. That's why I'm sitting in the private jet of the Brus family, on my way to a country where I'm supposed to bring back a wife I don't even know. My vision is clear. She will be beautiful, she will be cultured, she will know how to submit to me, and she won't mind that I won't be exclusive in my life or in bed. I follow the rules. I don't play games with relationships. I don't seek compromises. At least, that's how it has been until now...

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