My Lady's Money

Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont

Autor: Wilkie Collins

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Rok vydání: 2022

Počet stran: 144

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI

Cena s DPH: 194 

Cena bez DPH: 194 

Objednané zboží bude nahráno v elektronické podobě na uživatelský účet Moje eKnihovna.
Platba kreditem je rychlá a bezpečná. Dobít kredit.

When Lady Lydiard has the money stolen from her, the plot becomes a whodunnit. A precursor to modern-day detective novels, this novella revolves around the colourful characters (and a Scottie dog) who are all present in Lady Lydiard’s household when her pound500 disappears.
In this fun and compelling tale, two of the men suspected are both romantically interested in Isabel Miller, Lady Lydiard’s companion-cum-adoptive-daughter. "My Lady’s Money" follows these suspects as the intensity of both the theft and romance increases.

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