The incredible communist miracle in Eastern Europe

Nakladatelství: Karol Ondriaš

Podtitul: And the democratic age of Homo idioticus

Autor: Karol Ondriaš

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Počet stran: 224

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI | PDF2

Cena s DPH: 139 

Cena bez DPH: 139 

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I(72 year old) have lived in Slovakia for thirty six years during socialism till 1988 and now thirty four years under capitalism. During 1988-2006 I as a researcher in the field of biophysics shuttled between the USA and Slovakia. So I had the opportunity to experience socialism and capitalism for myself and compared them. I observed that socialism in the former Eastern European countries was an incredible communist miracle of a new humane socialist civilization compared to capitalism. I observed that these economically and politically different systems each produced a different kind of society. The e-book has ~222 pages (A5) including 70 graphs-analyses of life under socialism and capitalism in the former socialist bloc, but mainly from Slovakia. Many books, articles and TV documentaries present theories and conclusions criticizing real socialism in the former socialist countries as a criminal, totalitarian and inhuman communist regime, under which people were living without freedom, human rights, or democracy. Interestingly, the most of the book’s authors never lived under socialism or lived in countries under the transition of socialism to capitalism. Instead of a real discussion about socialism versus capitalism, many of them repeatedly presented limited facts, mostly lies and myths about the totalitarian communist regime, the crimes of communism and the failure of socialism. Now I know that all these lies were deliberately created by the Euro-Atlantic civilization, for whom we, the Eastern Europeans, were just a prey that got out of their hands during socialism. The aim of these lies is to bury socialist or communist truth and ideas, because they are very dangerous for today's global 'democratic' world, which mainly suits a few. These lies, myths and anti-communist totalitarianism provoked me to write this e-book, in which I would like to present real verifiable data about the new humane socialist civilization in Eastern Europe in comparison with the previous or current capitalism. This e-book provides evidence how socialism eliminated capitalist crimes such as selling people for work or the sex industry, homelessness, arson, contract killings, drug addiction, violence, executors or psychological problems out of hopelessness. This e-book presents evidence of the communist miracle in Slovakia in education, science, agriculture, industry, construction, mental and physical security between 1948 and 1989. All these parameters deteriorated after Maiden 1989, when Slovakia switched to capitalism. Other facts presented in the e-book show that capitalism and free elections are the basis of democratic serfdom and they ensure that people (programmed biological machines) who have the genetic makeup in the brain of predators often get into positions of power. This is how the predators of today's capitalist democracy ensure the exploitation and unequal distribution of the planet's income and wealth. For this purpose, they are trying to ensure professional absolute mental, political and economic totality in the countries they have predatorily occupied. The genetic predators know very well that they have only one mortal enemy and that is the nationalization of their property, and therefore they spread anti-communist propaganda wherever they can. This e-book also asks questions and discusses taboos of democracy, such as: Are democratic free elections a weapon of mass destruction? Is Euro-Atlantic civilization built on genetic predators? Is the European Parliament part of the totality of genetic predators? Are there genes of human predators or Nazis? Has totalitarian democracy declared war on freedom of speech? Why do the capitalist crimes against humanity go unpunished? Shouldn't Homo sapiens be renamed Homo idioticus? Is contemporary capitalist democracy a compulsory totalitarian system? Can capitalism solve the present problems of our civilization? Why do the capitalist elites fear a communist miracle in China? Can the present problems of our capitalist civilization be solved by a new future socialist political-economic system? The facts presented in this e-book suggest that socialism is the only path to the positive development of our civilization.

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