Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Autor: H. G. Wells
Ochrana: sociální DRM
Rok vydání: 2022
Počet stran: 86
Jazyk: en
Formát: EPUB | MOBI
Cena s DPH: 138 Kč
Cena bez DPH: 138 Kč
'The Sea Lady' is 'The Little Mermaid' for grownups. Set in Folkestone, the story focuses on a mermaid who comes ashore, with the intent of seducing Harry Chatteris. Living under the name of Doris Thalassia Waters, the mermaid makes it her mission to disrupt his engagement and take Chatteris for herself. Can he withstand her charms, or will he abandon his betrothed? An exploration of the human condition and the desire to fetter our wilder natures, 'The Sea Lady' perfectly captures the conventions and attitudes of the time.
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